Our CEO and Founder of Mpower People CIC, Michelle Smith was named as one of Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise.

Michelle has been listed on the Amnesty Suffragette Spirit Map

100 years ago British women finally won the right to vote.*

The incredible work of the suffragettes – ordinary women who stopped at nothing to get their voices heard – paved the way for a century of women’s rights work in the UK.

The suffragette spirit is alive and well in Britain today. Women across the UK are still fighting for our rights. They stand up to racism, say no to sexism, call out homophobia, challenge corruption, help the vulnerable and much more.

Amnesty International have scoured the country to find these women human rights defenders and we want to celebrate their work. The public helped by nominating hundreds of amazing women whom they’ve added to their Suffragette Spirit Map of Britain.


Our CEO and Founding Director, Michelle Smith has been recognised for her work defending women human rights by being listed on the map.


Published On: 8th March 2018

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