Our CEO and Founder of Mpower People CIC, Michelle Smith was named as one of Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise.

1 in 200 – a First Take Production

1 in 200,” a social drama/thriller film. Synopsis: In Nov 2017 more than 300,000 people in Britain are officially recorded as homeless or living in inadequate homes, equivalent to 1 in 200. In Feb 2018 after a homeless man dies outside Westminster, the UK government promises to half the number of homeless by 2022 and eradicate the problem by 2027.

A think tank is charged with the task of coming up with a way to make this happen. An arrogant and privileged young go-getter comes up with a solution; the ‘Get Back On Track’ programme and the pilot is tested in Liverpool. A burnt out and broken ex-journalist, who has fought injustice all her working life, has given up hope, and more to the point, given up giving other people hope; given up pretending she can help when she knows she can’t, when she knows no one listens and no-one cares. So now she claims Universal Credit and lets the powers that be get on with the business of the day without concerning herself. But when she is sanctioned and loses her benefits, she ends up homeless. Her only option is to join the ‘Get Back On Track’ programme, which offers help and accommodation.

Instead of being housed and helped she is imprisoned in a dystopian underground run by unseen masters that have a strict carrot-and-stick regime to control their subjects. It’s here her deep-rooted need to fight injustice rears its powerful and beautiful head. She has to escape and uncover what is going on. She’ll need help. But how can she bring unity to the divided and beaten captives? How can she create hope where there is none?


*Mpower People CIC staff and volunteers will be attending the Premiere of 1 in 200 on Tue 22nd Feb 2022 at 5pm, we are excited to witness this Film created by our friends at First Take Ltd, especially Nicola Mitchell.

Published On: 9th February 2022

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